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发布时间:2022-08-30 18:42:53 来源:蛋托机械网


万能拉力试验机有独立的伺服加载系统,高精度宽频电液伺服阀,确保系统高精高效、低噪音、快速响应;采用独立的液压夹紧系统,确保系统低噪音平稳运行,且试验过程试样牢固夹持,不打滑。万能拉力试验机是采用微机控制全数字宽频电液伺服阀,驱动精密液压缸,微机控制系统对试验力、位移、变形进行多种模式的自动控制,完成对试样的拉伸、压缩、抗弯试验。整个控制系统具有很高的性价比、高可靠性,采用微机控制全试验过程,实时动态显示负荷值、位移值、变形值、试验速度和试验曲线。采用微机进行数据处理分析,试验结果可自动保存,试验结束后可重新调出试验曲线,通过曲线遍历重现试验过程,全中文的Windows平台下的试验软件,具有很强的数据和图形处理功能,可即时打印出完整的试验报告和试验曲线,具备完善的限位保护、超载保护、急停等安全保护功能。Universal tensile machine has independent servo loading system, high precision broadband electro-hydraulic servo valve, to ensure that the system of high efficiency, low noise, fast response, Adopt independent hydraulic clamping system, make sure the system low noise running smoothly, and the test sample is firm clamping, not skid. Universal tensile machine is controlled by computer digital broadband electro-hydraulic servo valve, drive precision hydraulic cylinder, microcomputer control system on the test force, displacement and deformation for a variety of automatic control mode, complete the tensile, compression and bending test of sample. The whole control system has the very high cost performance, high reliability, computer control the whole test process, dynamic display of real-time load value, displacement and deformation value, the test speed and test curve. Using the microcomputer data processing analysis, test results can be automatically saved, after the test to bring up the experiment curve, through curve traversal repeat test process, the whole Chinese Windows platform test software, has a strong data and graphics functions, can be printed out immediately complete test reports and test curve, has perfect limit protection, overload protection, stop and other security protection function.万能拉力试验机结构紧凑、外型美观、性能可靠,具有较高的性能价格比,是用户比较理想的测试设备Universal tensile machine has compact structure, beautiful appearance, reliable performance, high cost performance, is the user ideal test equipment





